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Roshna Ravindran Marolli

Masters in Computer Application

Prof. Roshna Ravindran Marolli- Assistant Professor, Department of MCA

I have been working as an Academician for over 18 years in various Graduate and Post Graduate Disciplines , evaluating and helping students succeed in and out of the classroom. Being very passionate about Teaching I have an expertise in Web development , Data Science, IoT and Blockchain.

From Date To Date Designation Organization Organization Address
2002-06-05 2005-04-10 Lecturer EHC Ooty
2005-06-20 2009-04-16 Asst Professor PSG CAS Coimbatore
2010-06-10 2013-05-22 Asst Professor NGP IT Coimbatore
Date Title Type Level Academic Year
2011-09-01 Outlining imminent areas and possible schemes of cloud security Journal International 2011-2012
2017-06-01 Internet of Things Based Central monitoring system for ATM's Journal International 2017-2018
2020-06-01 Resolving Multi Tenancy Issues Using Cloud Automation Journal International 2019-2020
Date Title Type Level Role Venue
2015-01-10 2nd National Conference on Innovation and Technology National Presenter SIESCOMS
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