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SASHAKT- (EMPOWER)-Student Comprehensive Excellence Program


This initiative is to foster student learning and development by supporting students in their academic, personal, professional, and social growth. By implementing this practice, the mission is to empower students in enhancing their learning ability and decision-making skills. The goal is to bring an everlasting change in the mindset of students so that they become strong internally for the challenges, become job ready and take responsibilities towards their own self and the nation.

This can be summarized as-

  • Improvement in learning and research competency
  • Increase employability.
  • Create opportunities for skill development.
  • Enhancing physical & emotional wellbeing
  • Develop socially responsible citizens.

The Challenges:

  • The industry finds a gap between theoretical knowledge and industry need.
  • Need for awareness on "patriotism & nationalism” due to movement of world towards global citizen concept.
  • Ambiguity in their understanding of social responsibility.
  • Concerted need to work on "emotional” and "spiritual quotients” of the students.

The Practice

The excellence program is an amalgamation of all the "student developmental activities” planned to empower the students. There are various dimensions to the same are-

  • Student Council- Students council is involved in taking all major decisions in the college.
  • Academic Excellence- SIESCOMS believes that classroom learning, unless put to the test in the real world, is meaningless. It, therefore, draws upon its excellent ties with the industry to go beyond the University stipulations and offers a holistic learning experience to the students.
  • Social & National Responsibility: CSR/Sahyog is the highly encouraged in the institute which drives a lot of social activities like Joy of Giving, Critical Disease Awareness Activities, Environmental Awareness & Cleanliness Drives, Village Adoption.
  • Collaborative Learning through competitions, committee work & fests.
  • Project Based Organic Learning- This includes internships, Project & industrial visits.
  • Mental and Emotional Wellbeing- which includes Yoga and Meditation workshops, Workshops on Mental Wellbeing, counselling andMentoring.
  • Skill Development programs like Aptitude Test Training, Excel Training, Domain Specific Value-Added, Entrepreneurship and SLIP (Skill Linked Immersion Project).
  • Reading and Research - Students Research Conference & Business Reading
  • Sports and Physical Development: The college encourages students for participation in sports and physical events like Walkathons.
  • Internationalization: This exposure is given through Global Immersion Program, Participation in International Research Conferences and support is given for international placements.

Evidence of Success:

The success of the practice is measures by Campus Placements, Recruiters’ Feedback, Corporate Feedback, Exit interview and Alumni Feedback.

Problems Encountered:

  • Motivating and involving many students in extracurricular activities
  • There is a time constraint for many activities to be conducted on campus.
  • The irregularity in admission cycle due to covid has placed restrictions to do justice to many initiatives. There is pressure of completing the syllabus.
  • Limitation of funds & resources.
  • Covid-19 brought in many constraints.

However, the institute always endeavors to ensure that the impediments are addressed, and utmost attention is paid towards holistic development of students. By and large, the program has been quite successful and experience satisfactory.

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