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Home > Management Development Program (MDP) & Consulting

For any B-school the most important stakeholder is the corporate sector. The tie-up between a b-school and corporate is what gives the business schools a cutting-edge advantage. This tie-up is in the interest of both the parties. The business school gains in terms of academic inputs to its own students becoming more practical. The industry gains in terms of consulting / advisory services or training program at a reasonable cost. This is the reason why the business schools are trying to build up such symbiotic relationship.

SIESCOMS is actively involved in building such relationship mainly through MDP & Consulting Programs.

  • Research projects on "New Product Launch" for Healthledger -2023 by Dr. Seema Laddha & Dr. Ira Kumar
  • Management communication skills & orientation program-GMCS for ICAI -2023
  • Management communication skills & orientation program-GMCS for ICAI -2022
  • Fundamentals of Financial Statements for Addend Analytics-2022 Dr. Madhavi Dhole
  • Minor Research Project (MRP),University of Mumbai-Gap analysis between corporate interviewers’ expectations and MMS Finance Students interview performance with reference to BFSI Sector 2022-By Dr. Kaustubh Sonetake & Dr. Bigyan Verma
  • AIIMS Research-"Technovation & Value Addition: Study of new paradigm for Performance Measurement of Tech Companies in India” 2022 by Dr. Kaustubh Sonetake
  • Mumbai University Research Project-Skill Gap Analysis of Management (MBA) Students: Perception Among Corporate 2022 by Dr. Seema Laddha
  • Management communication skills & orientation program-GMCS for ICAI -2021
  • Consulting Project on A comprehensive study of the Centralised Banking System being used by Citizencredit Co-Operative Bank Limited by Dr. Anup Palsokar for Citizencredit Co-Operative Bank Limited –Year 2019-20
  • Consulting for Sandoz on "Designing Competency Framework for Technical Positions" by Dr. Nitin Vazirani, Dr.Suhas Tambe & Dr. Sharmila Mohapatra -year 2019-20
  • Consulting on Posh awareness for Valuefy-Dr. Sharmila Mohapatra-Year 2019-20
  • Consulting on Posh awareness for QRT Valuefy-Dr. Sharmila Mohapatra-Year 2019-20
  • Consulting on Posh awareness for Riverstone-Dr. Sharmila Mohapatra-Year 2019-20
  • Consulting on Posh awareness for C-Edge-Dr. Sharmila Mohapatra-Year 2018-19 and 2019-20
  • Consulting on Strategy and Marketing for Group Pharmaceutical By Dr. Suniel Deshpande-Year 2019-20
  • Consulting & Coaching to the senior leadership team on PRISM BRAIN MAPING ON NEUROSIENCE-for competency mapping & development-Mandiri Bank-Indonesia-Year 2017 till 2020
  • Dr Parag Amin -Appointed as the Mentor for Emirates College of Technology, Abu Dhabi, for the prestigious ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs) Accreditation- Year 2019-20
  • Dr. Parag Amin-Appointed as the Mentor for United International university, Dhaka, Bangladesh, for the prestigious ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs) Accreditation-Year 2019-20
  • Workshop on "Application of various statistical tools in Research"-6th July 2019-By Dr. Sandeep Bhanot
  • MDP on "Financial Viability in Capital Budgeting"-JNPT Port Trust 2019 by Prof. Dhananjay Mallya
  • MDP on Capital Budgeting for BEML 2019 by Prof. Dhananjay Mallya
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