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Dear friends,

Welcome to SIES College of Management Studies (SIESCOMS).

We represent one of the coveted business schools in the country. With a good number of highly qualified faculty in different functional areas including technology and state of the art infrastructure, SIESCOMS symbolizes the best academic ambience for students. The teaching methodology is application driven to ensure development of required competencies in terms of the Program Objectives. Both our programs MMS and MCA are highly respected by students as well as recruiting companies.

Besides studies, the institute also emphasizes holistic development of students. Adequate attention is paid to the physical as well mental / psychological growth of the students. They also spend considerable time on field projects, assignments which are application oriented and summer internships so that the students, by end of their journey, come out fully competent to shoulder any challenge of corporate responsibility.

Many of our alumni are well-placed in high positions in different areas / streams and SIESCOMS has the tradition of constant interaction with these alumni. This helps the students to understand the real-world issues besides providing networking opportunities. SIESCOMS also has an entrepreneurship cell that promotes the students to take up their own ventures through various interventions spanning from ideation to implementation.

Finally, SIESCOMS strongly believes in character building and social sensitivity. The SAHAYOG committee enables the students to take up various socially oriented projects and assignments.

In short, the institute helps the students to grow not only as corporate professionals but also socially responsive citizens.

We look forward to bright young minds to be with us on this fabulous journey.

Sandeep Bhanot





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